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No icons and start menu on the desktop when booting..?

There are some case due to viruses that you cannot see any icons or even the start menu on the desktop.
Then Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

Step 2: Then Click On the New Task
Task Manager

Step 3: Then type regedit.exe and press ok, to open the registry editor.

Step 4: In the left panel navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

Step 5: After clicking on the "Image File Execution Options" you will find 2 Subkeys on the right panel with names "explorer.exe" and "iexplorer.exe" right click on those keys and press delete.

That's It... Now Restart the system..

NOTE : This method works if the problem is due to virus. If it not works it may due to the corruption of the file explorer.exe.


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